To program or fill an asset of a particular type, first this asset type must be created in the portal. This guide explains how to do this correctly.
- Login to the portal as an Administrator or Asset Administrator.
- From the menu, select Users.
- Click Add New Asset Type.
- Enter a name for the asset type that will be displayed in the mobile app and in the portal.
- In the colour field, enter the name of the colour that will be used in the charts, or the colours HEX code if you know this. IMPORTANT:
- In the Sequence field select where you want this to appear in the list on the app. Leave this at the default value if you want this to be appended to the end of the list.
- In the No. of Gallons field, enter the number of gallons this asset holds.
- In the Fill before delivery box choose if you want the enforce that the asset has been filled before it can be delivered. In most cases this should be set to Yes.
- Click Save to save the new asset type. This will be available in the mobile app following the next synchronisation.