iSpaniel's Customer Reports screen contains several charts and tables which provide insights into individual customer activities. The reports that are available are:
- Favorite Products
- 12 Month Product History
- 90 Day Delivery History
- Uncollected Assets
- Customer Audit History
The reports are accessed in one of two ways:
- Clicking the report icon
next to the customer in the Pubs page will take you directly to the reports for this customer.
- Clicking on the Customer Reports tile in the Reports page will allow you to search for the customer by name or reference code.
Report Details
Favorite Products
This chart shows how many deliveries of each product this customer has had delivered for all time. Optionally, you can change the date range to show the ordered products for a specific period.
12 Month Product History
This chart shows you the product delivery trend for the customer over a 12 month period.
90 Day Delivery History
This table displays the delivery history of the customer broken down by date and product.
Uncollected Assets
This table breaks down the assets that are at this customer by asset type and date range.
Customer Audit History
The Customer Audit History shows a detailed breakdown of all asset transactions for this customer. This can optionally be filtered using a Date Range.