This guide takes you step by step through using the Ingredient Traceability feature.
For an overview of Ingredient Traceability, please review the Ingredient Traceability Overview.
Add Ingredient & Equipment Types
This is where you can add details of the types of ingredients and equipment used in the brewing process.
- Login to the iSpaniel portal as an Admin or Super Admin user.
- Click on the Ingredient / Equipment Types menu item.
- Click Add New Ingredient/Equipment Type.
- Enter the name of the ingredient or equpment type, for example, Malt, Hops, Yeast, Stirring Paddle, Hose, Fermentation Vessel, etc.
- Click Save when done.
- You can edit the Ingredient or Equipment type by clicking the edit icon next to the entry.
- Click Update when done.
Add Ingredient & Equipment Details
This is where you can add details of the actual ingredients and equipment used in your brewing process.
- Login to the iSpaniel portal as an Admin or Super Admin user.
- Click on the Ingredients / Equipment menu item.
- Click Add New Ingredient/Equipment.
- Enter the following information:
- Select the Ingredient/Equipment Type from the dropdown list. This list is populated with the information you have entered in the previous section.
- Enter the delivery date for the ingredient or equipment.
- Enter the supplier name for the ingredient or equipment.
- Enter the unique serial number that will be used to identify this ingredient batch, or equipment.
- Click Save when done.
- You can edit or delete the Ingredient or Equipment by clicking the edit icon next to the entry.
- Click Update or Delete as required.
NOTE : It is not possible to delete an ingredient once it has been used in a gyle.
Add a Gyle
To record the ingredient details so they can be traced, they must be added to a gyle. The following steps explain how this is done.
- Login to the iSpaniel portal as an Admin or Super Admin user.
- Click on the Gyles menu item.
- Click Add New Gyle.
- Enter the Gyle Number, Brew Date, Product Name and Brewer.
- In the Ingredient/Equipment section, select the ingredient or equipment type, and then start typing the serial number. As you type, a list of available serial numbers will be shown for you to select from.
- To add the next ingredient, click Add Row.
- Repeat steps 5 & 6 until all equipment and ingredients have been added, then click Save.
- You can edit the Gyle by clicking the edit icon next to the entry.
Filling and Delivering
The asset filling and delivery process works in the same way as with Ingredient Traceability. Instructions on this process can be found in the links below.
Tracing Products
Ingredients and Equipment Searching
It is possible to trace all of the ingredients and equipment used, once an asset has been filled with a registered gyle. This can be traced irrespective to whether the asset is in house or at a customer’s location. The following steps cover how this is done.
- Login to the iSpaniel portal as an Admin, Super Admin, or Asset Administrator user.
- Click on the Trace menu item.
- In the Trace screen, start to type the serial number of the ingredient or equipment you need to trace. As you type a list of possible options will be displayed for you to select from.
- When selected, click Trace to search for all assets containing that ingredient.
- You can filter the list further to display only the assets that are in house, or delivered to a customer.
- Click the print button to print a report of the trace results.
Brewer Searching
It is also possible to trace assets that contain products based on the brewer that brewed them. The following steps cover how this is done.
- Login to the iSpaniel portal as an Admin, Super Admin, or Asset Administrator user.
- Click on the Trace menu item.
- In the Trace screen, start to type the the name of the brewer how brewed the products that you are tracing. As you type a list of possible options will be displayed for you to select from.
- When selected, click Trace to search for all assets containing products made by that brewer.
- In this case, there may be more than one ingredient involved, and all ingredients and equipment affected will be listed.
- You can filter the list further to display only the assets that are in house, or delivered to a customer.
- Click the print button to print a report of the trace results.