In certain circumstances you may find that when you try and fill an asset you are presented with the error message "Asset Not Present On Server".
This happens when the tag for the asset you are trying to fill is missing from the iSpaniel database which may be because the asset was deleted accidentally, or there was a synchronisation problem when the tag was first programmed.
There are 2 possible fixes for this which depends on if the tag was locked (made read only) during programming or not. You will know if a tag is locked or not by the way the app responds to is when scanned from the Program menu.
Fix 1 - For a Locked Tag
Follow this process if you have a locked tag which is the typical situation.
- Login to iSpaniel as a program/fill user.
- Tap Program on the main screen, and then scan the tag.
- Details of the tag will be displayed, and you will see an Add to Inventory button. Tap this.
- Details of the asset tag will be displayed. The asset type and serial number cannot be changed as this is hard coded into the tag itself, so simply click Save.
- Once the tag it written, click Okay then Exit.
- The asset will be saved to iSpaniel and you can fill and deliver as normal.
Fix 2 - For an Unlocked Tag
Follow this process in the less likely scenario you have an unlocked tag.
- Login to iSpaniel as a program/fill user.
- Tap Program on the main screen, and then scan the tag.
- Details of the tag will be displayed, and you will see an Re-program button. Tap this.
- Type the serial number of the asset and select the asset type, then click Lock or Program
- Scan the tag again to write the data to the tag.
- Once the tag it written, click Okay then Exit.
- The asset will be saved to iSpaniel and you can fill and deliver as normal.