At times is may be necessary to delete all data from the mobile app and perform a full synchronisation.  Follow the steps below to achieve this.

  1. Ensure you have synchronised any pending data from the iSpaniel app by making sure you are online (blue dot) and then exiting iSpaniel using the Exit button.
  2. On your phone go to the phone settings
  3. Tap on Apps & Notifications -> App info. You will see list all of applications
  4. Find iSpaniel and tap it.
  5. Tap on Storage
  6. You will see two options “Clear Cache” and “Clear data
  7. Tap both of these options.
  8. Open the iSpaniel app and login as any user.  
  9. A full synchronisation will be performed.  This may take over one minute depending on the amount of data you have stored in iSpaniel.