This article describes how to utilise the features provided when iSpaniel and Unleashed are integrated.
Customer Data
- The minimum synchronisation for iSpaniel & Unleashed synchronises the customer data.
- When integrated, it is not possible to edit or delete customer records in iSpaniel and this feature is disabled.
- When editing a customer record in iSpaniel, if the record comes from Unleashed, you will see the message "Changes are disabled as record is synchronised from Unleashed" when trying to edit a customer.
- All changes to customer records must be made in Unleashed, which includes adding and deleting new customers.
- The exception to this is for records that already existed in iSpaniel and were not matched to an Unleashed record during initial synchronisation. Such iSpaniel records can be updated and deleted as before.
- All customer records in iSpaniel will be available in the iSpaniel app as usual.
Product Data
- When product data is synchronised from Unleashed, the items that were filtered based on the Product Group and Unit of Measure will appear in Configuration | Products.
- Like customer data, these cannot be deleted, but there are elements that can be edited, namely:
- Colour
- Show in filled assets
- To change the colour that will be used to represent the product in the portal, either enters the colours hex code, or use the colour picker to choose a colour.
- Click Update to update the product type.
Sales Order Data
- When Unleashed Sales Order data is synchronised with iSpaniel, all orders with a status of Parked will be displayed in the Sales Order menu of iSpaniel.
- It is only possible to view Sales Order data through iSpaniel, it cannot be edited.
- When sales orders have been processed and are in the status of Completed, they will be removed from iSpaniel.
- To process Sales Orders, please follow the iSpaniel Order Picking Guide.